Shasta-Trinity National Forest- 3 Day Backpacking in the Trinity Wilderness

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My first backpacking trip in California.

My first backpacking trip ever & at the age of 28.

Shasta-Trinity National Forest is the largest National Forest in California! With 5 wilderness areas:

  1. Castle Crags
  2. Chanchelulla
  3. Mount Shasta
  4. Trinity Alps
  5. Yolla Bolly-Middel Eel.


Trinity Alps Wilderness, where I found a new love for everything and all things, backpacking.  The absolute peace you feel, the breathtaking views only those on foot can experience and the sense of accomplishment. From then on, I have been hooked!



Travel Time: 3 hours and 45 minutes from Sacramento

Length:           3 days and 2 nights.

Trail Head:   Stuart Fork Trail to Emerald and Sapphire Lakes.

Distance:       24.7 mile moderately trafficked out and back trail.

Day One:

Fresh legs, packs on and we started the trek at 9 a.m!

Click here to downloaded the Stuart Fork Trail to Emerald and Sapphire Lakes on All Trails. 

Our goal was to try to reach Emerald Lake by the end of the day.(12 miles or so)

All Trails has rated the hike moderate, gaining 3,000 ft in elevation. I thought the trail was challenging, with a gradual incline and brief downhill relief.

We stopped every 3 miles for snack and water break.

Gummy bears and skittles are my go to pocket snack while hiking ! If you have any great snack recommendations let me know! I love snacking while i hike!

There is a gorgeous green valley about 4-6 miles in!

We were warned about bears, stumbled upon some bear poo, but never saw any bears on the trails.  We did see a mom and 2 cubs when we were driving home in our car.

The first day we realized we packed WAY TO MUCH. I thought I had packed lightly but I would say my pack was around 40 lbs and Jordan’s was around 60 lbs.(such newbies) Your pack should be around 25 lbs, or 20% of your body weight.

TIP: I learned this trip how important to pack lightly and distribute the weight evenly through out your body. This will allow you to have the best experience backpacking.

No joke we reached mile 11, and our legs gave our on us, as in we literally could not walk anymore just due to our overweight backpacks and incline. Luckily, and I mean really really lucky this all happened just a couple steps from a Campground. I want to say it was called “Portuguese Campground.” It felt like magic, a campsite appearing out of thin air in a time of desperate need.

We set up camp right next to the Stuart Fork River, relaxing to the sound of rushing water in our Eno Hammocks, while eating our mountain houses.

We love mountain houses while we camp! My favorite is biscuits and gravy!

Next day, we got up early to hike the remaining 2 miles to get to Emerald Lake.

Looking back on how far we had come. We hiked that!

Hello Emerald Lake!! 

OH the California Wild Flowers. I have never seen flowers like I had on this backpacking trip. Every turn, my eye caught a new vibrant color. Standing our from the greens and granite rock. I almost as if they wanted me to help pollinate.

(I now preserve flowers from my backpacking adventures. I bring an old book with me to preserve them in until i get home. Little pieces of beauty i can look back on.)

We found a campsite nestled in a grove of pines right one the water. If you do not have an Eno Hammock, you definitely need one! There is nothing better then setting up camp after your long hike in, getting off your feet into your hammock and let it cradle your body. Its Euphoric.

Our grove of trees we camped in!

I love this photo and how emerald the water is. Shows you why they named in Emerald Lake in the first place. 

When you hike to the very top of a mountain. You can find the source of all sources. Sapphire and Emerald Lake mark the very begging of Stuart Fork Creek to Trinity Lake. Pure, untouched snow creating a crystal clear lake that only those willing to work for it can see.

Voluminous waterfalls poured into Emerald Lake. We spent hours staring at them from our campsite. So much so, we eventually decided to hike over to them, realizing how much further they actually were.

Press Play to check out Emerald Lake!


Last day, we had to backpack 14 miles back to the car. Lets just say I recommend to break your hike up so that you do not have a 14 mile day.

But this showed me that backpacking is not all roses. It can get really mental. When your body is in pain, your shoulders are cramping, you cant feel your legs anymore and you just want to stop BUT you keep going, you keep pushing yourself and you finish! I was beyond proud of myself. I am still beyond proud of myself and i have taken what i learned here and have only become a better backpacker!

Hike this Trail, you will not be disappointed!!


Stay Kind,



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