When i found out that i was a day hike away from summitting an active volcano in California, you best believe the next available weekend, i was there!

Located in Shasta County, Lassen Peak is the highest peak in Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Not only is it an ACTIVE volcano but its the largest lava dome on earth! Yes, as in the entire planet! Not many people can say that!

This hike is out of this world!

Stunning volcanic features everywhere you look. Switchbacks taking you into the clouds and a breathtaking 360 panorama view, so clear, you can see the northern Sacramento valley!

I don’t know about you but this is my first time on or even near a volcano!! To be really honestly i never really thought about there even being active volcano’s in America. (Being from the east coast that was never a concern.) Turns out there are about 169 active volcano’s. Out of the 169 there are 7 volcano’s in California that “pose a threat.”

Check out Lassen Peak Trail on All Trails here!

Distance: 5 mile round trip.

Elevation: Starting at 8500 elevation, you gain around 2000 ft., reaching the peak at 10,457 ft.

Duration: 4-5 hours

Difficulty: Hard

We hiked in October 2018 before the snowfall.

(Jordan actually knows some friends that hike to the top with their skis and will ski down the crater side! I love it! Look out for a post like that one day!!)

We camped for the weekend about 40 minutes from the Lassen Trail head at

Manzanita Lake Campgrounds in Lassen Volcanic National Park. 

You can see Mount Lassen from the Lake!

Exhilarating to think “I will be on the top of that tomorrow!”

Saw my first Bald Eagle ever in real life! Pretty surreal!!

Gorgeous campsite and campground! Would definitely recommend!

We fished around the lake before dinner!

Let the hike begin!!


Lassen Peak Trail is a 5 STARS for me!

It’s really is the PERFECT day hike!

The hike fly’s by as your brain tries to wrap around how this volcano came to be, what was it like when it actually erupted, what would happen if it erupted while we were on it!

I really enjoyed the way this trail made me think.

You will forever remember the time you hiked a volcano, and to actually be on the largest lava dome on earth!! Is pretty impressive!

As Always!

Stay Kind,



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